

The following are some codes and notes taken from the ppt.



void  inorder ( tree_ptr  tree )
{  if  ( tree )   {
        inorder ( tree->Left );
        visit ( tree->Element );
        inorder ( tree->Right );

Thread Binary Tree

  • Rule 1: If Tree->Left is null, replace it with a pointer to the inorder predecessor of Tree.
  • Rule 2: If Tree->Right is null, replace it with a pointer to the inorder successor of Tree.
  • Rule 3: There must not be any loose threads. Therefore a threaded binary tree must have a head node of which the left child points to the first node.

Binary Search Tree


  • Delete a leaf node : Reset its parent link to NULL.
  • Delete a degree 1 node : Replace the node by its single child.
  • Delete a degree 2 node :
  • Replace the node by the largest one in its left subtree or the smallest one in its right subtree.
  • Delete the replacing node from the subtree.
    Position  Find( ElementType X,  SearchTree T ) 
          if ( T == NULL ) 
              return  NULL;  /* not found in an empty tree */
          if ( X < T->Element )  /* if smaller than root */
              return  Find( X, T->Left );  /* search left subtree */
              if ( X > T->Element )  /* if larger than root */
          return  Find( X, T->Right );  /* search right subtree */
              else   /* if X == root */
          return  T;  /* found */
    Position  Iter_Find( ElementType X,  SearchTree T ) 
          /* iterative version of Find */
          while( T ){
            if  ( X == T->Element )  
                return T ;  /* found */
            if  ( X < T->Element )
                T = T->Left ; /*move down along left path */
            else T = T-> Right ; /* move down along right path */
          }  /* end while-loop */
          return  NULL ;   /* not found */
    Position  FindMin( SearchTree T ) 
        if ( T == NULL )   
            return  NULL; /* not found in an empty tree */
        else if ( T->Left == NULL )   return  T;  /* found left most */
        else   return  FindMin( T->Left );   /* keep moving to left */
    Position  FindMax( SearchTree T ) 
        if ( T != NULL ) 
            while ( T->Right != NULL )   
                T = T->Right;   /* keep moving to find right most */
          return T;  /* return NULL or the right most */
    SearchTree  Insert( ElementType X, SearchTree T ) 
        if ( T == NULL ) { /* Create and return a one-node tree */ 
            T = malloc( sizeof( struct TreeNode ) ); 
            if ( T == NULL ) 
            FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
            else { 
            T->Element = X; 
            T->Left = T->Right = NULL; } 
        }  /* End creating a one-node tree */
        else  /* If there is a tree */
            if ( X < T->Element ) 
           T->Left = Insert( X, T->Left ); 
           if ( X > T->Element ) 
              T->Right = Insert( X, T->Right ); 
           /* Else X is in the tree already; we'll do nothing */ 
        return  T;   /* Do not forget this line!! */ 
    SearchTree  Delete( ElementType X, SearchTree T ) 
        Position  TmpCell; 
        if ( T == NULL )   Error( "Element not found" ); 
        else  if ( X < T->Element )  /* Go left */ 
            T->Left = Delete( X, T->Left ); 
        else  if ( X > T->Element )  /* Go right */ 
            T->Right = Delete( X, T->Right ); 
        else  /* Found element to be deleted */ 
            if ( T->Left && T->Right ) {  /* Two children */ 
                 /* Replace with smallest in right subtree */ 
                TmpCell = FindMin( T->Right ); 
                T->Element = TmpCell->Element; 
                T->Right = Delete( T->Element, T->Right );  
            } /* End if */
            else {  /* One or zero child */ 
                TmpCell = T; 
                if ( T->Left == NULL ) /* Also handles 0 child */ 
                T = T->Right; 
                else  if ( T->Right == NULL )  T = T->Left; 
                free( TmpCell );  
            }  /* End else 1 or 0 child */
          return  T; 


PriorityQueue  Initialize( int  MaxElements ) 
    PriorityQueue  H; 
    if ( MaxElements < MinPQSize ) 
        return  Error( "Priority queue size is too small" ); 
    H = malloc( sizeof ( struct HeapStruct ) ); 
    if ( H ==NULL ) return  FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
     /* Allocate the array plus one extra for sentinel */ 
    H->Elements = malloc(( MaxElements + 1 ) * sizeof( ElementType )); 
    if ( H->Elements == NULL ) return  FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
    H->Capacity = MaxElements; 
    H->Size = 0; 
    H->Elements[ 0 ] = MinData;  /* set the sentinel */
    return  H; 

/* H->Element[ 0 ] is a sentinel */ 
void  Insert( ElementType  X,  PriorityQueue  H ) 
    int  i; 
    if ( IsFull( H ) ) { 
        Error( "Priority queue is full" ); 

    for ( i = ++H->Size; H->Elements[ i / 2 ] > X; i /= 2 ){ 
        H->Elements[ i ] = H->Elements[ i / 2 ]; 
        H->Elements[ i ] = X;
T (N) = O ( log N )

ElementType  DeleteMin( PriorityQueue  H ) 
    int  i, Child; 
    ElementType  MinElement, LastElement; 
    if ( IsEmpty( H ) ) { 
        Error( "Priority queue is empty" ); 
        return  H->Elements[ 0 ];   } 
    MinElement = H->Elements[ 1 ];  /* save the min element */
    LastElement = H->Elements[ H->Size-- ];  /* take last and reset size */
    for ( i = 1; i * 2 <= H->Size; i = Child ) {  /* Find smaller child */ 
        Child = i * 2; 
        if (Child != H->Size && H->Elements[Child+1] < H->Elements[Child]) 
        if ( LastElement > H->Elements[ Child ] )   /* Percolate one level */ 
           H->Elements[ i ] = H->Elements[ Child ]; 
        else     break;   /* find the proper position */
    H->Elements[ i ] = LastElement; 
    return  MinElement; 
T (N) = O ( log N )

The Disjoint Set

S [ element ] = the element’s parent.

union by size: -- Always change the smaller tree

  • S [ Root ] = – size
  • Let T be a tree created by union-by-size with N nodes, then \(height(T) < ⌊log_2(n)⌋ + 1\)
  • Time complexity of N Union and M Find operations is now O( N + M log2 N ).

union by height:-- Always change the shallow tree

{   /* step 1: read the relations in */
    Initialize N disjoint sets;
    while ( read in a ~ b ) {
        if ( ! (Find(a) == Find(b)) )
    Union the two sets;
    } /* end-while */
    /* step 2: decide if a ~ b */
    while ( read in a and b ){ 
        if ( Find(a) == Find(b) )   output( true );
        else   output( false );

void  SetUnion ( DisjSet S,  SetType Rt1, SetType Rt2 )
    S [ Rt2 ] = Rt1 ;     

SetType  Find ( ElementType X, DisjSet S )
    for ( ; S[X] > 0; X = S[X] )   ;
    return  X ;

/*Algorithm using union-find operations*/
{  Initialize  Si = { i }  for  i = 1, ..., 12 ;
   for  ( k = 1; k <= 9; k++ )  {  /* for each pair  i  j */
      if  ( Find( i ) != Find( j ) )
          SetUnion( Find( i ), Find( j ) );

/*path compression*/
SetType  Find ( ElementType  X, DisjSet  S )
    if ( S[ X ] <= 0 )    return  X;
    else    return  S[ X ] = Find( S[ X ], S );
SetType  Find ( ElementType  X, DisjSet  S )
{   ElementType  root,  trail,  lead;
    for ( root = X; S[ root ] > 0; root = S[ root ] )
        ;  /* find the root */
    for ( trail = X; trail != root; trail = lead ) {
       lead = S[ trail ] ;   
       S[ trail ] = root ;   
    }  /* collapsing */
    return  root ;